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Главная » Статьи » Курсы английского языка ''Bright World'' » Курсы для взрослых

Отзывы о курсе Business English
Отзывы о курсе Business English с помощью опросника:
1. Did you like Business English course? Yes/No. Why?
2. Which themes were the most interesting and useful, which less interesting/useful? Why?
3. Which themes would you like to study but it was not included into the course?
4. How do you evaluate the qualification of the teacher?
5. How do you evaluate the written homeworks (formal letter, report, agenda, minutes, press release)? Was it useful?
6. How do you evaluate the atmosphere on the lessons?
7. Recommendations and comments.

Анкетирование было анонимным, поэтому отзывы данные ниже не подписаны и содержат ответы на семь вопросов.

1. Yes
2. All themes were interesting. More information about different business subjects.
3. Also I would like to continue studying in English. :)
4. Very high. A lot of examples from life.
5. It was useful. I think in the future I will use it.
6. Friendly, relaxed.
7. I would like that English subject will be longer.

1. Yes, because all themes were very clear and easy.
2. Employment, Organization and Culture. Because now I have more information about these themes, it will be useful for me in my work.
3. For me will be good some real stories about people or something else about history.
4. Very good. Clear speaking, all was easy to understand.
5. I think yes, because now I know how to write them.
6. Very good, you can say what you what.
7. Maybe it will be good to include more stories from life.

1.Yes, it is very helpful in life. I learned a lot of new topics, how to develop theme and use new perhaps.
2.The most interesting was to talk about interview, it is very modern and famous theme. Less interesting was about bank.
3.How to create team from the beginning. How to get information to a ‘’big person’’ 
4.The teacher helps students if they do not know something. Good job.
5.It is very important to know how to write these formal letters, reports, agenda, minutes, press release.
6.The atmosphere was bright, but if there were more students, it would be more interesting.
7.Keep going. Everything was good. Show more video. Thank you!

1.Yes, I like it.
2.I like the practice work, that we need to do homework, because I think this is the best way to learn something new!
3.Maybe some more practice on written grammar….but for me it was useful. Not everyday we are using English.
4.Qualification is good, but maybe need to work harder with students. Our class i
s really lazy (students) and maybe we need some bigger homework for practice.
5.For me it was really useful. Thank you for great lectures!
6.From teacher atmosphere was great but from other students….
7.To be stronger… But thank you for interesting lectures.

2.All themes because it was practical.
3.Personal directing.
4.According to students knowledge
5.It is a good training
6.Free atmosphere
7.Thank you

1.Yes, I like Business English course, because business languages is a highly scored 2.All themes are interesting. I can not highlight the specific.
3.More practical talks
5.The homeworks are good, but I did not have much time for it.
6.Calm, laid back atmosphere

1.Yes, very interesting lectures.
2.Most interesting-cultures, innovations. Less-organization.
3.Fashion, business
4.Very high quality teacher.
5.All of homework was very useful! But the presentation I think is not the best way. I think there have to be an opportunity to choose.
6.Good work, positive.
7.Stay the same. If the students are interested in learning everything gonna be fine.

1.Yes, it was very interesting.
2.Everything was interesting. I liked themes about Cultures and Ethics.
3.I would like to study marketing.
4.Teacher is very good.
5.My favourite homework was agenda, press release.
6.Atmosphere on the lessons was very very good.
7.Every lesson was very interesting.

1.Yes, a lot of interesting themes. A good opportunity to learn a lot of business terms.
2.Most interesting- Culture, Ethics, Leadership. Less interesting-Employment, Innovations
4.very good.
5.Yes, it was useful and new for me, for example, agenda and minutes.
6.All the time I feel a very positive atmosphere. My English is not so good, so it was very nice to go on the lessons and not to be afraid.
7.To explain new words in Latvian.

1.Yes, it was very modern and interesting.
2.Personally I liked Leadership and themes where we had to plan some events, meetings. That was the most useful part in my opinion.
3.Everything was fine.
4.Teacher was very enthusiastic and energetic.
5.Most of it was useful to me, because I do it during my paid job.
6.It was quite nice and interesting most of the time.
7.Keep it on!

1.Yes, Lectures were positive! :) One of the rare lectures where I come with the smile in early mornings. +Information from different sides, not only English Language.
2.Liked about Brands and Labels. I love that theme and is interested in studying it deeper.
3.May be go deeper into Marketing
4.In the scale of 10- 10 :)
5.I had done it already earlier so it was a good revision.
6. 10! very positive.
7.Actually do not have bad words to say. Recommendation: to pay more attention to grammar. Students don’t like it but it is useful and necessary part of language.

1.Yes, because it was interesting and useful for my future.
2.All was OK and useful. Less interesting was Ethics.
3.More about business partner search, meetings, maybe about Business laws.
4. Good and professional
5. Yes, they were useful because they were interesting and new for me.
6.Free and nice.
7.More dialogues, actions between students, role-plays, some video.

1.Yes, because we learned a lot of new words, interesting facts about world-known company and famous business men.
2.Most interesting-Leadership, Culture, how to act in a job interview, because they are useful.
3.Art, literature
4.Very high :)
5.All of them were useful as we will need them all in our future careers.
6.Informal, free
7.Good job, keep it that way :)
Категория: Курсы для взрослых | Добавил: Helen (2012-07-19) | Автор: Елена Степанова
Просмотров: 2557 | Комментарии: 7 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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